At Gamsu and Gaffoor Optometrists, we pride ourselves on recommending the best glasses available. If you are experiencing any vision problems, contact our practice to schedule a consultation.
During your consultation, our experienced optometrist will examine your eyes to determine what vision difficulties you have. The type of vision problem you have will determine what lens you should be wearing. We have a wide range of lenses that are tailored to your requirements.
Single vision remains the most common type of prescription lens. This lens type features a single field of vision, or one prescription power throughout the entire lens, for correcting nearsightedness or farsightedness.
They are generally used by for someone who needs spectacles for reading or driving only. In certain cases, a person's eyes may need lenses to focus on both far and near distances and their prescription is the same for both. In this case, they can use the same single vision lens for all activities.
Bifocal lenses are commonly used by those with presbyopia-an age-related condition where the eyes struggle to focus on anything up close.
Bifocal lenses have two focal points: the upper part used for distance vision and the lower part used for near-vision tasks. After the age of 45, many people experience more difficulty with near-sighted tasks, so they need different prescription lenses for their reading and distance viewing. Bifocal lenses allow them to see both close and far without needing to change spectacles.
Multifocal lenses, similar to bifocal, enables one to have multiple prescriptions built into the lens, so only one pair of spectacles are required for different uses. By definition, multifocal could be bifocal, trifocal or progressive lenses.
Multifocal contact lenses are created with a gradual transition between a prescription for close reading on one end and a prescription for normal distance viewing on the other end. Bifocals, in contrast, have a sharp edge between the near and far vision prescription areas of the lens. By definition, multifocal could be bifocal, trifocal or progressive lenses.
Multifocal lenses offer improved sharpness of vision and greater balance between far and near vision.
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